Get More Customers By Being More Authentic 

Marketing is literally changing every day. How do you keep up? What is the best social channel, the best way to take a picture, the trick to getting more followers,  the perfect website layout… don’t worry about any of that. Focus on having authentic and engaging content that properly represents your brand and will resonate and connect with your audience long term.  

What Is Your Brand Voice And How Are You Telling The Story 

My most successful clients connect with their customers by putting themselves in their shoes. This helps them know what customers want, how to deliver it to them, how frequently they want to hear from them and much more. Brands end up selling why they are the best choice for the customer's needs. 

This voice of authenticity and fact carries through all pieces of marketing. Most importantly (and you will see a difference when you do this), put some personality into what you’re saying. Don’t be a robot, an overachiever, unrelatable; be authentic and remember why you started your business. 

Help Solve The Problem 

Customers seek out brands and spend money with them in order to solve a problem they are having. The product or service they purchase fulfills a need. How are you marketing your brand? Are you selling all the accolades you’ve received and how you are better than the competitor or are you breaking it down for the customer and selling a solution? 

Tell them how your product or service follows through on the expectation and the promise that was put in place by your brand messaging. How will you make your customer’s life easier? How can you check something off their list? You are here to make their life easier and enhance it in some way. Build the trust…and then get the testimonials. 

Who Is Your Audience 

Are you targeting all the people, all the time, on every social channel there is? Don’t do that. Start with a small audience and one that make sense for your product or service. If your audience is too broad you won’t build as much brand awareness or connection and you will be spinning your wheels trying to figure out what’s wrong. When you align with the right target, your followers may temporarily dip, but your engagement and conversions won’t.  

Start Simple And Realistically

  1. Conduct market research and social listening. What are people saying about your product or service and what do they need from your brand (what issues are they having)

  2. Outline your brand categories, start to build a story around each category   

  3. Create a 15 day content plan

  4. Put measurables in place (is your content engaging and converting) 

  5. Schedule a discovery call with Jamison Communications, we are experts at this! 

Next Blog-Visual Representation-How to partner your messaging with impactful and branded visuals. 


What Does Your Brand Identity Say About You?


Having Experience Still Matters